
Friday 12 September 2014

Day Out in Falmouth

Hey lovelies, I hope that you're all doing well?!

Today I thought that I would put up a little carry on from my last post, which you can view here. My dad was in Cornwall visiting for a week, which meant for lots of lovely days out together, we don't really get a chance to see one another all that much any more, so we are both always sure to treasure our time. This post is of our last full day/evening together exploring and seeing the sights of Falmouth, which may I say, is beautiful.

I unfortunately didn't have my camera on me on this particular day, only my phone, so I hope that you don't mind the photo quality being a little poor for the evening photographs.

Have you ever visited Falmouth?
If so what did you think of it?



  1. never! but wow so pretty! my hubby would love it , coz he into a boats and all , so looking the yachts and boats willl make his day :)

    1. You should definitely make a trip to Falmouth some day, it's beautiful, glad you liked the photographs, will be sure to check out your page, xx

  2. We always go to Cornwall for holidays, but I don't know if I've been to falmouth, it looks stunning!

    Corinne x

    1. If you haven't been, you definitely should, its so beautiful :-) thank you for your comment xx

  3. Such a beautiful scenes! I am a new reader/follower and I'm loving your blog. I hope you keep in touch.xoxo!

    Qing's Style

    1. Thank you for your comment, it means alot :-) I'll be sure to check your little space out!xx

  4. Wow you are an amazing photographer? Want to share some tips with me? :D
    Do you edit your photos in like photoshop? What camera do you use?

    I want to visit the UK so badly!!!

    Stop by my blog when you have time! Also check out my amazing giveaway!

    Love from Canada,
    Marie from Elle Charie
    ♥♥ Perfect Skin Giveaway♥♥

    1. Thank you so much for your comment;
      It truly means the world to me!

      But no I'm not a photographer, as amazing as that would be <3
      I didn't have my proper camera on me, on this particular day, so these were taken on my Sony Xperia Z1 smartphone.
      I did indeed edit these photos on a programme called Photo Pad Image Editor, which is completely free to download online :D only played around with the brightness, contrast, exposure and saturation to enhance just a tincy tiny bit.
      I'm so pleased that you like my photographs lovely.

      If you get the chance you definitely should take a visit to the UK, but Canada?! That's amazing, I bet its beautiful there :)
      I shall check out your blog straight away


  5. Nice photos! :)
