Sunday, 27 July 2014

Liebster Blog Award - Discover New Blogs

Liebster Blog Award - Discover New Blogs <3

Thank you so much to Miss Jordan for nominating me, here are the rules;

1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the eleven questions by the person who originally nominated you,
and then create eleven new questions, ready for your own nominees.
3. Chose eleven people (who have under 200 followers) to nominate,
and link them at the bottom of your post.
5. Let your nominees know that they've been tagged - with no tag - back! 

Eleven Facts about me

1. I have a full time job as a sales assistant.
2. I have two cats, one named Bill (half Persian) , the other Henry (Ragdoll).
3. I haven't been abroad for 10 years.
4. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when I'd just turned 13.
5. I'm insanely shy, takes me a while to open up to anybody.
6. I love Baileys a little too much.
7. I love taking the time out, to just sit by the sea to relax.
8. I have a Orchid..its actually survived, shocker for me..!
9. I love Peanut Butter Kitkats a little too much.
10. I havent been to a hair dressers in about a year...uuuurrrr I know right?
11. I really enjoy writing Blog posts <3

Questions by Miss Jordan

1. Would you rather change something in your past, or know something about your future?
Well they do say that 'everything happens for a reason', so I'm going to say that, I'd like to know a certain something about my future.

2. How much time do you spend on study/work?
Right now, for me, that study should be for my Theory, and I'd say not enough, I really should crack on actually..

3. If you met your parents on the street, would you like who they are as people?
Although we have our moments, they are both like best friends to me, so yes definitely, no doubt about that!

4. What category/ies would you label your blog?
Right now just Beauty, but I'd definitely like to expand to Fashion, Life and Food.

5. If you could only eat 3 things for the rest of your life, what would you chose?
Oooo hard one, I reckon Potatoes, Chicken and Mint Chocolate Chip Ice-cream would make pretty good picks.

6. How many people do you trust with your secrets?
I feel I could trust 3 people in my life, with my secrets.

7. Favourite Novel?
At the moment I'm reading Fault in Our Stars, and I'm loving it.

8. Who would you choose to bring back to life if you could (celebrity or other)?
Probably my old cat William, he was a legend of a cat <3

9. What is one reoccurring thought/musing that you have?
I keep having dreams about teeth falling out, pretty horrible, guess I'm terrified of the thought of possibly loosing my teeth one day.

10. Ever met anyone famous?
No, but I saw Dizzee Rascal Perform on stage, he rocked my socks!

11. Early bird or night owl?
I am definitely more of a night owl, mornings destroy me.

My Questions

1. What would be your favourite dessert of all deserts?
2. Any secrets that your scared of anyone finding out about?
3. What would be your dream job?
4. What country would you love to visit, which you haven't visited before?
5. Any nick names people have for you?
6. Which do you prefer, staying at home, or out partying?
7. Favourite thing to do on a 'no work, chill kinda day'?
8. Favourite film?
9. Favourite actors/actresses?
10.  Three songs which bring up your mood?
11. If you could only wear one outfit on holiday, what would it be? 

I Nominate...In no particular order :)



  1. Hiya Alice!
    Thank you for the nomination, I hope this doesn't come across badly as I don't mean for it too, I don't usually post this award on my Blog anymore because I've been tagged a few times but I'm still really honoured you picked me and I have answered your questions below :D

    1. What would be your favourite dessert of all desserts?
    Something involving jaffa cakes, toffee and cookie dough icecream, malteasers and caramel sauce :D

    2. Any secrets that your scared of anyone finding out about?
    Now that would be telling ;) Just kidding, I'd probably say my blog is my little secret, a few friends know about it and only recently did I tell my boyfriend but its more so people who I know dislike me finding it and being mean behind my back or my family finding out about it as its my little calming corner of the internet and a relaxing hobby and wouldnt want it to be made into a big fuss, who know one day it'll probably not phase me :)

    3. What would be your dream job?
    Visual Merchandiser and being able to travel around the world for my Blog

    4. What country would you love to visit, which you haven't visited before?
    Rome! I just love anything italian :D I do wish to visit Australia but I have already done that before but as I was quite young I'd like to explore other areas of Australia that I haven't been to before :)

    5. Any nick names people have for you?
    Vasey, K-Vase, Vasemeister, Darth Vaser, Vee, Veebee

    6. Which do you prefer, staying at home, or out partying?
    I like a bit of both tbh, but I'm not a hardcore party girl, so I'd probably have to pick staying at home

    7. Favourite thing to do on a 'no work, chill kinda day'?
    absolutely nothing, haha! Nah tbh I do like the odd day of lazing in bed with my pjs on and sitting on my laptop all day, but most days I'll use that time off to catch up with friends, attempt some clear outs of things in my room or clothes, read a book, watch a dvd, try out some different looks. Plan blog posts, Anything really :)

    8. Favourite film?
    She's The Man!

    9. Favourite actors/actresses?
    Adam Sandler

    10. Three songs which bring up your mood?
    1)You make my dreams come true- Hall & Oates
    2)I can dream about you- Dan Hartman
    3)A town called paradise- Tiesto (Currently)

    11. If you could only wear one outfit on holiday, what would it be?
    Argh! Difficult question! Depends on the type of holiday, probably a bikini with some cute denim shorts and a kimono or a floaty top? If it was an evening outfit I'd probably say a pretty white summer dress :)

    take care :D

    1. Hey, that's really understandable about not posting this on your blog, but thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions, it's a nice little tag really, and I loved reading through your answers:-) thank you again lovely xxx

  2. I'm glad you did this :) Really interesting read xx

    1. I'm glad you tagged me :-) it's a nice one to do, so thank you:) xx

  3. Well done, I always love reading this tag!
    x Justina //

    1. Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it a lot:) shall check out your blog right now xx

  4. great post, love it<3

  5. This is so cool! You sound so cute! Great blog :)

    Shelf and Closet ♥

    1. heyy, thank you for the lovely comment, I appreciate it a lot :)
      I shall check you're blog out right now xx

  6. Thank you so much for the nomination! Love your blog and I am so happy you tagged me!
    Thanks again!

  7. Thats ok lovely, I thought it was a nice one to do,
    so I'm pleased that your happy about the nomination:)

    I love your blog also, its a very nice read :D


  8. Congrats on the award! I enjoyed reading this post!

  9. Thank you for the award! I've listed my answers to your questions below just in case I don't get chance to do this post on my own blog :) x

    1. What would be your favourite dessert of all deserts?

    New York Cheesecake with some vanilla combination EVER!

    2. Any secrets that your scared of anyone finding out about?
    Now that would be telling ;) haha I don't think I really have anything to be honest!

    3. What would be your dream job?
    I would love to do something with beauty/makeup that involves travelling all over the place!

    4. What country would you love to visit, which you haven't visited before?
    Mexico is on my list of places I want to visit - Cancun in particular :)

    5. Any nick names people have for you?
    A lot of people seem to have got in the habit of calling me "Sair" instead of Sarah recently, not sure what that's all about!

    6. Which do you prefer, staying at home, or out partying?
    I think I'm getting old now...I prefer staying at home having a movie night with some nice food and a cheeky bottle of wine.

    7. Favourite thing to do on a 'no work, chill kinda day'?
    Watch some stand up comedy - Micky Flanagan or Lee Evans with some naughty food like pizza!

    8. Favourite film?
    The Fast and Furious films are my favourite, apart from loving make up and beauty - cars are my next thing that I love.

    9. Favourite actors/actresses?
    Mark Wahlberg, Channing Tatum and Paul Walker (RIP :( x)

    10. Three songs which bring up your mood?
    Avicii Levels, Rudimental Waiting All Night and Ariana Grande ft Iggy Azalea Problem

    11. If you could only wear one outfit on holiday, what would it be?
    Harem trousers, motif vest and gold flipflops/sandals

    Sarah @ xx

    1. thank you for doing this, I really enjoyed reading through your answers:)

